Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. Ma Crozier has just spent twelve days in two Greek hospitals. Surely sufficient subject for a whole blog page, but speed is of the essence at the moment because I have a load to do before completing the process and having an operation. A gallstone blocking the bile duct turned me an interesting shade of orange and instead of the operation I was expecting to remove gall bladder, I ended up being transferred to Heraklion for gastroscopy treatment where they removed the culprit and inserted a stent. The gall bladder awaits treatment, hence a short time to do lots. I will jot down my passing thoughts, mainly of hunger and starvation later! I was kept alive with water and/or water and rice for all but one of the 12 days; it was agony. I was bold enough to drink a carton of fruit juice one day (bliss) and got shouted at!
K is OK, the Doctors and Nurses were all much nicer this time around, so it was only the cuisine issue this time around which was a problem. They expended two Xrays, two ultrasound scans, a MRI scan plus the camera/fishing equipment/stent insertion on me. All very quick and efficient - since we know from before that the diagnostics here is first class.
I have now translated the Greek Draconian Diet sheet, which is just as well because it differs from the UK version recommended in several key areas, but I am working on another appointment as soon as possible to get the process complete.
Our Kate has madly offered to fly from NZ for one week to see us. We think she is crazy, but it will be brilliant to see her.
MORE TO FOLLOW ... Wish me luck x