Monday 9 July 2012


The Monastery at Margarites

Water Melons by the Truckful!

June was Cucumber Season and July is the Melon Season and we wonder why the locals grow so many of them when they get so enormous and so numerous that all they seem to do is knock on doors and have difficulty in disposing of their crop. Consequently, a large piglet size melon arrived on the door step and was waiting for us on our return from Heraklion airport when we met our friends from England. Wow! Not even sure how to begin to tackle it. We tried to explain to another of our neighbours two days later that we did not need or want a second huge water melon but sadly my Greek was not up to it and they were so desperate to get rid of it, we were lumbered with another one. I decided to take it to Art Class tomorrow – we could paint and/or draw it and eat the sorbet like slices when the class is over! They are delicious but just much too big! (goes very well with feta cheese though).

Our favourite pot shop

It has been all social life for a week while we showed our pals around the local resorts and beaches. We visited the predictable Margarites potteries one morning and bought a lid for our large pots and terracotta bird whistles as souvenirs to take back to the UK. Our hard working UK pals needed to unwind urgently and had a brilliant plan of booking a trip in the glass bottomed boat from Bali along the coast and it was intriguing to see familiar coves and some new ones from a different point of view.

Skepasti Cove from the Sea

Spending such a hot day on board was wonderful, stopping at 'Pirate Caves', fantastic swimming spots where we jumped off the side of the boat into lovely deep, clear water for a welcome swim. The boat stopped at Panormo for lunch, which was a bit like returning to Newcastle for Coals, since it is our nearest beach resort, but we had the most wonderful platter of fruits de mer – red mullet, grey mullet, sardines, bream, mussels, large prawns, octopus and squid with salad – a total feast in Greece where fish is so much more expensive than meat. While we were tucking into this treat, the rest of the taverna was being prepared for what turned out to be a “Big Fat Greek Baptism Party”. Hundreds of brightly decorated covers, balloons, live goldfish in bowls on the table, small children in tulle – and once all the guests started to arrive - complete chaos in the parking area!

Very Fancy Baptism Party!

Then after a bit more of a boat ride after lunch and another swim-stop, we returned to Bali just in time to watch the Men's Final from Wimbledon on a big screen at a waterside cafĂ©. We narrowly avoided an international incident when a French family sat right in front of us and kept cheering for the other side but we had to admit that the result was a fair one and that Andy could well have limited his after match speech to three words ...“I'll be back!” I was in need of a large mug of English Tea and cucumber sandwiches by this time as the excitement was too much for me after all these months of pastoral pastimes which just stop short of being total peace and quiet.

Swimming at the Pirate Caves

Although Britain is experiencing some weird weather (and we hear all about it via Radio 4), we are getting the full blast of summer sun now and the nights are a bit too steamy for comfort; we both slip out of bed at one time or another seeking a cool breeze or a drink of water. It is tempting to spend half an hour or so on the roof terrace checking out the stars, but the midges are a bit of a bother. Air conditioning is wonderfully effective but bumps up the electricity bill somewhat. The Screen/Scream Doors, built and fitted earlier in the year by K however, have been a total success - so long as everyone remembers to shut them promptly - 'Anyone for tennis' with fly swats is a bit taxing in this weather!

Our Grape Harvest!!!

Our super abundant grape vine was harvested this morning and the fruit seem to be seedless, tasting very sweet and delicious. We are still learning how to pickle cucumbers and make chutneys. Any contributions and suggestions for a super-abundance of water melon – recipes, smoothies, sorbets or cocktails would be gratefully accepted.  

Carpoosie - too big for the Fridge!

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