Wednesday 26 December 2012


Christmas Carol Singing in Rethymnon

 As we are on the move, it may take a few days before we can use the computer again, so here is a quick round-up of photos taken over Christmas.

View over the Mill Garden from our plot

We have our work cut out in the Olive Garden ....

Much more tree-lopping required

What a raffle prize for the person who NEVER wins raffles!

Our Hamper contained all sorts of treasures from home

Christmas Lunch went well ....

Turkey a la Nigellisima

Chronia Polla!

The weather was good ....

Stuart's photo over the White Mountains
We received a Christmas Card from our grandsons!

After rustic rug making for 18 months, we kept tripping over it and found a lovely carpet instead!

We will do a proper blog as soon as possible!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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