Wednesday 27 April 2016



A clearer day today!
 We are back in harness and coping with southern winds bringing African dust to clothe all our work tops and floors, while gritting our eyes and giving us horrible colds and coughs, if we venture out in it. Fortunately, a weather forecast foretold the arrival of the second batch and we shut the doors and shutters overnight to at least keep the house as dust free as possible. We couldn't see the hills or the mountains – or even the sea in Panormo; it was as if someone had hung up a large grey horse blanket all around us.

A brief inspection showed that there was a little damage after the first really howling gales which I just missed, but which broke one of the struts of the pergola, several plant pots and left a rim of peculiar dust in the upstairs rooms through the walls and roof. I wondered if we had got wordworm (horrors with all the large wooden beams of the roof) but a quick inspection by Rik the Builder assured us that we were OK. I bought a couple of cans of wordworm spray – just in case – and with a bit of difficulty at the very top of the ladder and masked up, aimed a few shots in the direction of the would-be problem to be on the safe side.

The old minaret has lost its scaffolding and been restored

It took a couple of days for the sky to clear and the weather is beginning to get hot. We are nearly ready for the winter to summer changeover to take place. I am hanging on to my winter woollies for just a week or two longer so that it is one clear process instead of a scramble. Our Internet service is now so intermittant that it has proved difficult to post our blogs and we have to strike while the iron is hot. We keep complaining to the phone company and are promised something better but it has not changed yet.

However, the swallows have arrived and have ejected the all year-round sparrows from their usual spots in the trees and wires and they are pecking about on our front step. We can hear loud chattering of swallows from morning to night and watch their aerobatics as they chase insects and swoop on stray cats who venture too close to their nests. The vine on the front railings has lots of fresh green leaves and little fruit already and has needed spraying for many days, but the wind is just too strong to tackle it so far.

Easter candles for children to take to Church

In the town, the shops are preparing for Greek Easter – late this year – and the hotels and tavernas are filling up with lots of tourists for this year. We have bought our Spring plants and just need some help getting large terra cotta pots up the stairs so that we can plant some lovely jasmine and other plants which are waiting in the front porch along with sacks of potting compost and good earth for a nice growing mixture. (We hope!)

We have not one, but two of the family in plaster recently. Sister Anna after a fall had an enormous plaster cast on her leg which was too heavy to get up and down stairs and has made life really difficult for the time being. Then she went into hospital following a check up and the possibility of an operation. Fortunately, she came out of hospital with a leg brace instead of the op, but not allowed to put any weight on it. It took 2-3 days to get the hospital exit papers so she was stuck there betwixt and between. With friends and neighbours, she is just about coping in her house on three floors by enlisting help so that all she needs is on the middle floor or within arms reach of the bed. Life has been awkward for her and she can't wait for the next hospital visit to see if she can get more use of the leg. Meanwhile, in NZ, the youngest grandchild had his elbow in plaster for a short while!

Sadly, the broken leg meant that Anna was not able to come on the trip she had organised to Santorini with friends in April. It was planned to happen just before Greek Easter and prior to high season when all the cruise ships call there. However, Ma Crozier was booked and still made the journey by high speed ferry. The party had three blissful days in Santorini looking at the Akrotiri archeological workings, visiting the Museum in Fera, doing lots of walking around the town and beaches. There will be lots more about Santorini in the next post and pictures of our adventures.

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