Life has been completely chaotic in recent weeks when the best laid plans had persisted in going completely awry. The weather perked up for a week or so and Spring sprung in all directions. The swifts and swallows arrived back dipping and skimming over streams and rivers. In Perama, the river looked horribly polluted but the swifts were happy enough fast flying and dipping their wings in the muddy waters. As I watched them, a much larger than average turtle swam between the big stones upstream. Sadly, there was lots of piles of rubbish to negotiate.
I was congratulating myself on finding a delightful farm track which led from our village to the next through the olive groves and had nearly got to the next village for a take away coffee, when I realised my car keys weren't in my bag or my pockets and I had to trot at fastest pace back the way I had come to track them down again. I had dropped them just by the back door of the car. It really spoiled what would have been such a lovely day out but it was great to have found the path at last.
The electricity has been very dodgy during high winds and storms and was misbehaving to such an extent that a back up battery combined with surge protection was needed. It did not save the life of the TV though and a new one was ordered by telephone and arrived the next day. However with a lot of jiggling and routing of wires, the two new boxes are up and running. An expensive month. New plants bought to celebrate Spring have to be stowed in safe corners to protect them from the very strong gusts of wind doing so much damage and covering everything in a thick red dusty blanket.
We had not received a phone bill since January which was unusual since they normally arrive every two months. I had checked each time I passed to see if they had arrived in the post but nothing. On Thursday, the phone and internet were cut off. Why the idiots say that you can contact them at a particular web link when they have cut off your internet beats me. This required a road trip to Perama and parting with even more money. The bill had to be settled the day after it had been sent and I did not get it until a week until the cut off date. Sharp practice abounds at the moment and I paid two bills at once to get back on top. I will see if someone can help me with the App to pay on line to prevent it happening again.
We have had to provide so many copy documents to sort out our identity crisis following Brexit. Our residence permits and driving licences were changed in 2018. All the effort in getting a Residence Permit meant nothing after 1st January when every single one issued expired. We had to gather our wits, paperwork and best telephone greek to acquire a new biometric permit for dealing with any Greek public office even though they hadn't started printing them yet. It left us chasing our tails around Police Stations, banks, accountants, citizens advice bureaus, lawyers and on line guidance in a Catch 22 situation where no office would deal with you without a biometric permit when this is what you were trying to obtain. No sooner had we had our finger prints taken and tried to get a Greek passport photo that didnt make us look like hardened criminals collapsing with the stress of it all. From our lockdown homes we next were chasing our tails again to get the special code from the tax authorities in order to register for a Covid vaccination. My photocopy function on the home printer soon ran out of ink with all the copies of ID required and new ink cartridges were not readily available. So then we had to chase around copy shops and ink refill outlets to try and keep going. In the middle of a 5 month lockdown, running the Covid gauntlet to accomplish all this meant taking unnecessary risks. We are downhearted that German tourists are arriving for holidays when all of us are still in lock down and can't go out anywhere to have a cup of coffee. In spite of all these months of restricted life and social interaction, the infection rates are increasing all the time. Mainly because the indiginous population are meeting with families and friends on a regular basis, don't bother with masks (or half wear them leaving their noses hanging out) and seem oblivious to the consequences. It is so hard not to feel annoyed.
I jumped in the shower on Thursday to shampoo my hair. The water pressure seemed a bit low and as I progressed, it got thinner and thinner so I struggled to rinse foam away under a dribble of water. No sooner did I leap out of the shower than a phone call alerted me to a parcel awaiting me from Perama at the Couriers. The water supply was completely cut off by this point in time. My life is up one minute and down the next. Print cartridges (incompatible ones) had arrived and the Courier was waiting for me to collect them from the village square.
Yesterday a local lad dropped by unexpectedly with a huge bag of oranges, another bag of lemons and a bag of eggs. Lovely! The oranges are fabulous this year; so sweet and juicy but far too many for me to use. Abandoning my original plan to start painting the front porch, I got my preserving pan out of the cupboard and sighed over the prospect of the sticky job of marmalade making with nobody to pass a jar to. Inspiration came by a Facebook post featuring Lemon Curd Crumble slices, and marmalade was postponed while I made lemon curd instead. Google the recipe ... Yummy!
Thursday was the best day. An idle moment dusting the bookcase revealed an old school magazine from Kimon's sixth form days when we had first met. Finding the enclosed poem stopped me in my tracks and I haven't quite got over the loveliness of that moment in time - backwards and forwards.
It is good to get out of the house to escape from frustrating life admin, I have kept myself sane by taking some pretty walks amongst herbs and wild flowers every day the weather is good and the day is free from bureaucracy. I can't believe that I mostly have the entire track to myself, although yesterday my parking spot was outmanoeuvred by two horses tethered right next to the lay by! Walking the tracks seems the best ruse to escape from other people and get much needed exercise but we have to keep changing our plans at the last minute! I have a nice collection of thyme, sage, dill and chamomile! Keep well and sane!
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